Event Update- March 6th...Please Read

24 Feb 2023 by Russell Buttars

Hello doTERRA Leaders- I wanted to provide a quick update for the upcoming meeting in Dubai on March 6th. Let’s start with the most exciting news………One of the doTERRA Founding Executives and Chairman of the Board, Greg Cook, will be joining us for this event. This is a special treat that we weren’t planning on but once he learned about the excitement and registration numbers for this event, he changed some international travel plans to be able to join us. So, for all of you that are bringing new people what a great way for them to be introduced to doTERRA.

We have completely maxed out our event space at the hotel so we are asking that you and your guests be in your seats by 5:45 PM so we can allow any standby guests in before we start at 6:00. If you are able to help us with checking people in or greeting people and giving them an oil experience, I ask that you be there by 5:00 at the latest. I would love to have about 10 leaders to help us from 5-6:00.

Let’s talk about the agenda and what to expect so you can prepare your people:

We will start at 6:00 and have to be done by 9:00, so it will be important that we start on time. The first two hours will be spent on a great overview of doTERRA, what makes us different, CPTG quality, co-impact sourcing, product education, and a intro to the business opportunity. The last hour we are doing something really special and unique since we have such a great response to this event. We will be showing the Pursuit documentary that was shown at the Global Convention in September (About 1 hour). This is a great way to show the heart, impact, and mission of doTERRA. We will also be doing a raffle for giveaways at the beginning, middle, and end of the event.

So, what do we need help with:

1. I need a couple of leaders that would be willing to jump on stage and share either how doTERRA has changed their lives, or their favorite oil and why. (Please email me with a brief description of what you would like to cover, and we can connect that way) rbuttars@doterra.com

2. If we by chance run out of seating (we have oversold the event) we may need some people to stand. This is a great problem to have.

3. If there are any of you that are local, could you bring a diffuser? I will have oils, but we don’t have space for diffusers. And if by chance you have any doTERRA banners….that would be amazing, bring whatever you can to bring the doTERRA feel to the event.

4. Bring the ENERGY! We are so excited for this event and to start partnering with all of you.

Thanks again. If you have any questions post them in the comments and I will keep my eye on it.

See you soon!

If you would like to help at the event (5-6:00) please enter you name in this google doc


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